One organization which I have been encouraged to get involved with for the past two years is Help Portrait. Due to time restraints I have not been able to be involved due to work responsibilities in the past. However, this year I signed up as one of the Photographers for the event.
Help Portrait is an amazing opportunity for people who are Photographers, Photographer Assistants, Hair and Make Up Artists to donate their time to give portraits to those in need or homeless.
It was quite an experience, the stories and people I was fortunate enough to meet wonderful individuals who came to my studio space we had set up for their portrait. Tears of joy fell, eyes full of hurt and fear walked into my presence, and I felt honored to give the gift of love, kindness, compassion, joy and share my photography that day.
Help Portrait goes beyond the setting up photography studio space, hair stylists doing other peoples hair for free, and make up artists sharing their talents. Help Portrait is simply about giving of your time to someone who could use help. Maybe you have a neighbor who needs help with their garden, his or her computer, or errands? Maybe there is someone in your community who would simply enjoy your conversation. What does it take? Nothing but time. What does that mean? You slow your own life down for more than a minute, put down the cell phone, turn off the computer and go help someone else. It doesn't have to be every day, it doesn't have to be every week. It just means you take a step in the direction of giving someone else comfort.
New Years Resolutions come and go just like the Holidays. Instead of making a "resolution" to make a change, make a commitment to help one person in the year 2014 and those years which follow. You will be amazed at the transformation which happens....not just in that person you help, but within yourself.
When you give to others, the true gift is what comes back to you.
Me as we were winding down from setting up
My studio space! I was "Photo 2"
Busy hair and make up artists!!
The group photo area...(Jeremy & David I think you need a bigger light!!!)
The hustle and bustle
Santa Cow & Santa himself meet...
Yay! They were buddies in no time.
Thanks to new technology, Santa can check the "naughty and nice list" right on his phone!
Live music played throughout the day
Loving, happy people I was blessed to photograph