Thursday, October 29, 2009

Missing Sea Turtle

As I was driving over to the location where I take pictures for a local business, I receive a phone call about the exhibit our club is currently doing.  "Hey, I'm missing a Sea Turtle", since I was uncertain which night we were suppose to turn in images, I didn't get mine in on its due date.  I have until tomorrow night to get that turned in, along with a fellow club members images which have been in the back of my truck.
I love that we have someone who works to get exhibits for our photo club.  Its quite the priveledge, and I enjoy being able to participate.  Next year, I'll be doing all the work he does, plus more to get mine in order. 
Until then....onward to the picture of the day -

A friend of mine in Arizona told me they got some snow!  I didn't even realize it was possible for Arizona to get snow, so that was interesting to hear about.  Considering in many parts of the world, it is getting to be that time of year when snow will grace the ground with its presence, I thought I would use one of my snow images. This piece is from my The Trails I Travel series.  A rare moment in Nashville we received snow, and it lasted until about 10 am.  I was glad to capture it while it was still in its relatively prestine state.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Head above Water

I came across this bird just hanging out at a photography workshop that I coordinated last October.  I love the reflection in the water.  I'm not big on bird photography, but I do like the wildlife type of shots.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Dawn of a New Day

Dawning of a New Day; I closed a painful chapter in my life last night.  I am sad, hurt, and confused.  I am in pieces and trying to find the motivation to move forward.  I felt this image portrayed a new start, with the sun beams coming out of the clouds.  It also has a water from the bay - something which I am longing for right now, the healing touch of the ocean.  I need to run away, or at least I want to.

Monday, October 26, 2009

A Blast from the Past....

A blast from the past is right.  I figured this image taken of the Tennessee River in Chattanooga was only appropriate.  Someone from my past who I love and care about more than I ever imagined possible, returned to my life today.  I have not heard from him in almost five months.  I'm struggling trying to stay focused, while my stomach is in knots, and filled with butterflies my mind wheels and turns wondering what to do, what to think.
Just last night, and this morning, I thought I was on track to heading into a new direction.  The prospect of a new place to live in the future, possibly an office...and a support system I'm not accustom to.....I'm so hurt, and confused.
I have to work on pictures I took at a horse show this weekend for Saddle Up.  Saddle Up is a riding stable for children with various handicap's and disabilities, they had a horse show for their students Saturday, and I volunteered to take pictures.  They are due in a little over a week, and I have a couple hundred images to sort through and fix.  I also have to work on my budget tonight, I get paid this Friday.  I need to make sure I get close to 100% on track financially-there is much equipment I need to have, and I won't get it unless that financial of mine gets in order.  I hope I can concentrate on business tonight.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Wisconsin Winter Wonderland to Jamaica

From Wisconsin to Jamaica- I love Jamaica, when it was time to leave, I tried very hard to stay.  I unfortunately did not have the opportnity to travel these stairs, as they were on private property.  However, they were a set of stairs I encountered on a trail I was on in the mountains and rural area of Hanover, Jamaica.
My trip there helped me face how wasteful I am, how I hoard things I don't even need, and how I waste time.
It was a very enlightening, spiritual and enhancing trip for me, I look forward to the day I can finally return.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Sepia in Winter

Here is an old out building at my parents, again I used the sepia.  I love that it gives my picture the aged look to the barn which to me is only appropriate.

Winter in Sepia

Here is an image from my parents farm a couple winter's ago.  I love black and white; and I love the sepia as it makes images look quite ancient and old.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Wisconsin Home Front

Since I was talking about Wisconsin not long ago, I thought I would add another image from back home.  This is from my parents front yard.  Some people say snow is not blue, and in some sense they are correct.  Yet, it is blue at a certain time of the day when the sun is at the right angle, the shadow which is cast is blue.  I love it, it makes it so pretty.
I never thought I would miss snow.  Its beautiful, fun, and challenging to photograph not only due to the glare, but also because the temperature will freeze your batteries.

Monday, October 19, 2009


That is what I think "Cow" says everytime I open my photo case.  She sit patiently wondering if today will be the day for her next photo shoot.  I did a shoot for my class last week, and I pulled her out to use with the prop for my assignment.  There was someone near by who was watching me work, and didn't see where she came from and asked; "do you carry a cow in your pocket"? 
"Nope" I replied, "in my camera case".
It is her own personal "barn", thankfully she doesn't leave too much of a mess behind for me to clean up. Wisconsin

I had a dream I was in Wisconsin, there was a blizzard, and it was magically twinkling outside with snow and ice.  I woke up, and began listening to Garrison Keilor, and it wasn't until I stepped outside, I faced the reality of being in TN.
Here is an image I took of my horses at my parents farm in Rice Lake, WI.  I can hear their hooves crunching on the snow, and hear their breath as they cross the crunchy snow.

This makes me want to hook up a sleigh, toss on the bells, layer up and go for a stroll across the frozen roads and trails.  Get home, and warm up some cider or hot cocoa.  Oh, the days of the wintery wonderland of home.

Saturday, Sunday, Monday.....

This is a constant battle I face with this internet thing - it is frustrating.  It seems as much as I try to make it priority number one, it gets set aside way too often.

 This image was taken in Jamaica, many people have asked me to "straighten" the image.  I have a difficult time with that suggestion, because this window is crooked.  When you go into the mountains of the country, and view things from the eyes of those who are local, you see that their lifestyle is incredibly simple, and quite poor.  This was taken from inside a school at Hanover, Jamaica.  You probably never heard of it, but, I'm sure you have heard of Kingston, or Montego Bay, those are the tourist areas.  They are quite beautiful, but being a country girl at heart, I loved the mountains and countryside of Jamaica.  It was interesting talking to the local farmers and exchanging experiences and farm trade information.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Nature Photography

Nature photography, it is my primary area of photography.  It was something I resorted to as I didn't have much knowledge for many years about model releases.  When you take a picture of a mountain, sunset or deer, you don't have to go through the awkwardness of requesting a model release.  The shy part of me pursued finding unique, pretty and hopefully breathtaking images.  I think this one is more commical in nature, as the lil buck is poking his head out in curiosity wondering what I am doing.  The lil doe in the back is cautiously making her way trying to figure out what he is looking at and if she needs to be concerned.
A scene we don't get to experience everyday, getting this close to non-domesticated animals in their natural habitat.

How do they...

I was listening to npr this evening on my way to run an errand and to find the net.  They were interviewing Jason Segel who wrote and acted in Forgetting Sarah Marshal, who spoke of how he gets why he can't keep a girlfriend.  He finds himself staying up late at night working on ridiculous plays which have vampires as characters.  He also commented on how he was unemployed, and working away on his project. 
This takes me to the guy who brewed Sam Adams beer.  In his commercials he speaks how he was unemployed, and went door to door, selling one beer at a time, trying to make something of his passion. 
I can't help but think...didn't these people have rent to pay?  Didn't they need to pay their bills?  Did they live in debt, and didn't that stress them out?  How were they ok with that lack of employment, the piling debt in their life?  How did they make it work for them until they were able to get that break through?

I sit at work, and I do enjoy my job.  At times it can feel fulfilling, but the reality is, I sit at a desk, and I answer a phone all day.  In one month I take over 1,000 calls.  Not 1,001; but well over 1,000 calls.  There are times that I hear that phone and I cringe.  Yet, the job pays the bills, so the bills are paid and I can pursue what I want to
So I continue to do they do it, how do those who are living their passion, their dream, handle that lack of time to pursue what they want, or lack of finance until their career fills the requirements of both?

The equine, I love equine photography, the horse is so majestic.  I have been trying to find the time to seek out stables to advertise and market my photography for their horse shows and other portrait needs.  It seems my lingering pile of "to-do's" is stacked quite high on my plate.  Pursuing a path in equine photography is not at the top of the list unfortunately, so for right now, it waits.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Here's Lookin At You

The other great thing about live performance - catching that "one" shot.  This drummer is out of this world, and I was able to catch him in a moment where he was playing with me and the camera.  Priceless

Performance Piece

I love doing live performance photography, live action, which gives for great movement.  The lighting which offer's a challenge or opportunity. 


Never underestimate what B/W can do - this garmet was stunning in color - but I love the contrast the B/W gives it.


I love doing silhouettes this was done on accident, but I love the end result

Portrait - Headshots

I enjoy doing studio work - I love this image of this woman.  Its classy, peaceful, elegant and I think she looks stunning.  The way she is looking completely away from the camera allows you to view her features as the eye shadow catches the light.

Life in Motion Series

Here is another photo from my Life in Motion Series.  Maybe one day these images will be more organized and I will have them more easily accessible.  It just seems there is so much to do, and I come up with another idea or project and add it to my list.  I have big goals, and big goals take a lot of work and determination-I will get there.

This is Team Roping - fast paced, the header heads down trying to get his catch so the heeler can come in and finish the time.  You only hope in the end your rope lays right, the steer is caught, and you come in the money.

Featured Photographer -

I am getting caught up on the list of "to-do's".  It is 10:36 at the local coffee shop, I was able to get my homework done in time.  After I arrived for class I began to realize I did the assignment wrong.  Thankfully, I only did the first part (of three) of the assignment incorrectly.  It was a good learning tool, and thankfully the other two parts were done correctly.
Well - onward quickly to try and catch up - this is the last of two things on my list, the other the website.  Considering the coffee shop closes in 20 minutes, and I am starving since I haven't had supper yet, I will concentrate on this, and be glad that my list was almost completed.

Here is an image which will be featured Tuesday at the photo club meeting.  I feel really honored and I am excited to have my images showcased.  I really enjoy this photo, I love how the horse is picking up his front legs and the concentration on that little guys face is great!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


No postings....falling behind again.  Thursday I attended a mini workshop on lighting, not even half way through the session I got hit with food poisoning.  I pushed myself to get through the workshop, and then I went to lay down.  I didn't have the energy to try and get online.  Then Friday I left town for the weekend, leaaving my responsibilities behind.
Monday-I have non excuse.  I went to help someone out for an hour, and ended up staying three.  Maybe this evening, Tuesday, I'll finally get caught up, or so I am hoping.  Considering tonight I have to finish my homework for my photography class, get images put together for a presentation which are due this evening.  I was approached last week by the Vice President of the club, who informed me that I am the featured member of the month.  I'm excited that I can put that on my resume, and I am looking forward to having my pieces showcased next week.
Eventually this plate of things "to-do" will start to dwindle...right?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Its Black...Its White...Its Black Eyed Susans

I love Black and White Photography...which is done well.  There are some images in black and white which are just too mundane. Yet, the beauty of black and white photography, when it is used to capture the subject in a manner which allows for the stark contrast, it is always unique and pretty.
Very rarely you will find someone who does not know Ansel Adams.  I don't have the patience he had, but his work is amazing, and incredibly well known.
I don't think I do enough black and white photography.  The image above was taken during one of the Nashville Photography outings at Centennials Park.  I set a self assigned assignment, each photo I took, I turned into black and white.  I was quite happy with the way the images turned out.  If things ever slow down enough, I will be able to sort through them more thoroughly and get them posted as well.

Last night I found myself putting supper on the stove at 12:12.  It was about ten to one when I finally finished dishes, and headed to the shower.  As my hair dried I worked on a layout of a business plan/more like a draft, which I watched the Rachel Zoe Project.  (which motivated me for my fashion show idea)  It was finally around 2 am when I went to bed.  So much to many things I that I want to accomplish.  How is it all going to happen?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I have a thing for Fashion - it wasn't an outlet I thought I would enjoy or want to pursue.  However, I have come to realize I love it.  It is a lot of work - and a lot of competition.  There is a lot to learn, and thousands of photographs to take before I ever get anywhere...but it starts with a step.  That is all it is going to take, for  me to at least get on my way.


Fine Art - this is one of my images I tried to capture in an artsy manner of a fountain downtown Nashville.  I love finding your typical images you walk by everyday, and obtaining a different perspective on the subject.  It allows for creativity to be released, or a challenge to be taken on while capturing something average.


Tribal Belly Dance, by far, is my absolute favorite.  I love all mediums of dance, I have been dancing since I was three and began formal training during a break I took from college.  Returning to college I picked up a dance Minor.  I love the movement, the strength, the expression in dance, it is a beautiful art form.  But, when it comes to belly dance, I absolutely am passionate about Tribal.  This woman is Gwyn, a fabulous instructor and performer in Nashville.  I was given much access to her and her students last year.  I miss photographing them and hope one day to be able to more dance photography.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Trading In

I find it interesting as I sort through various cords and electronics.  It is such a switch from the leathers, leads ropes, bridals, stirrups, lariats I have worked with for years and years.  Its like I've traded in one life for the start of another.  I don't always know what to think as I continue to move forward with this process, on this path of photography-and we shall see with time where it may lead.

Posting Number 38

This is picture 38 in my series - it seems like such a small number, and yet, I feel that I've been at this project for quite some time already.  It is October and I am quickly watching the days fill up with activities.  This month seems like it is going to whip by as each weekend is already filled with a schedule.
A gentleman in my photography club mentioned to me that, "if he was as busy as I was he wouldn't know where to start".  This coming from an individual who has quite a full schedule and is on and off the road with photography opportunities or hauling RV trailers across the country.  I am hoping my "busy schedule" will pay off one day down the line for me.  This same person also stated he felt me running for Vice President of the Photography club was a good idea.  He agreed with me that it would be a very good thing to have on my resume this early in my career.  Its nice to have the reassurance that I am on the right track in this field.

I lead an outing today with the Nashville Photography Club to a local Botanical Garden called Cheekwood.  It was another early morning, but many were planning on shooting until 9:30 and then leaving.  This all went well, and ended up heading to a local Mexican Restaurant for lunch.  I figured I would have time to make it to the post office as it was open until 2 pm today.  I needed to get there to ship off the cd of images I took for the re-grand opening of the Brentwood Photography Club.  It was 2:30 when I headed back into town...I will now have to FedEx these images or drop them off.  Thankfully it isn't too big of a deal, but I need to be on top of this stuff a little better as this would not be good if it was for a client.
Above is one of the murals in the Brentwood Photography club, something any horse loving child and adult would fully appreciate.  I think it is beautifully done and there will be thousands of children who will pass by and enjoy it,  It was enjoyable capturing this event, but tiring as well.  There were a lot of activities, many children and expressions to photograph.  I have 141 images to get to the Brentwood Library, hopefully several of them will serve of some use for them.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Friday Finally

It is finally Friday-the day I hope I didn't make any mistakes at work-so I can concentrate on the things I want to do.  Tomorrow I will be leading a group to the Cheekwood Botanical Gardens, this fall they are featuring Scarecrows.  It won't be as early of a morning as the Harpeth River outing presented, but I will have to be out the door a little after 6 am regardless, early enough.
I became brave enough to approach a co-worker/manager about posing for a model shoot.  I love his look as it is very unique, and I enjoy his personality.  I think it will be a very fun shoot, and we are going to get some great stuff-I'm excited-and I have two fellow shooter's on board.

I did a photo shoot for the Brentwood Club for the Brentwood Library for their re-grand opening.  It is a beautiful library, and the improvements are incredible.  It makes you wish you had this library when you were a kid.

I am a big fan of this library, its a beautiful environment inside and out.  Makes me want to pick up a book, find a beautifully decorated corner, and read.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Good Bye September

This is my calendar for September.  I find it to be interesting how this page of columns and squares quickly became filled with various tasks.  Between my Photography class, club meetings, outings and meeting with prospective client, it was a busy month.  This last week was the only week in which I didn't have much to do.  I have to say the break is quite nice, and yet I find my evenings filled with various "to-do's" which need to get done and have waited to get done.
Now, it is October, and there is three months left to this year.  Soon it will be 2010, and I will be all the closer to finishing this project and facing the front end of an exhibit. makes me tired.