Sunday, June 1, 2008

It's coming!! It's coming!!

I feel like Paul Revere...ok, so I am not sure exactly how he felt...but the surge of excitement within me makes me want to run the streets screaming, "MY COMPUTER IS COMING!!! MY COMPUTER IS COMING!!!" It was shipped yesterday - now to finalize details on the internet connection and I will be rocking and rolling!!!
YES!!! It is finally here - I will be able to do all I desire to do to get this business of mine up and running! Yay!!!
Check in soon for *gasp* pictures!!! :D

Ok - so I found out it wasn't on its way, but all is well. :)

It arrived in the mail, the first part of August I was working away at setting up my office officially with a computer. A BIG THANK YOU TO BRAD! What I owe him is hard to describe. All I know is he will be paid back in a manner that I can't describe. I am blessed with two wonderful friends who are incredibly supportive and words of thanks just isn't enough.

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