Tuesday, October 5, 2010

On the Road

It has been suggested I make a change with my blog.  Since my schedule doesn't seem to let me update my blog as often as I desire-I will be updating it with things that are going on.  I will be filling you in on trips I take photo sessions I do and things that are exciting in the world of Dangerous Curves.
Here are some photo's from a trip I made home to Wisconsin.  It is always a blessing and a treat to go home.
The top picture is a barn near my parents farm.  This was a big hit when it was first painted.  A farmer and a Holstein Cow with his arm around her shoulders, and her leg around his shoulders.  Two buddies.  It has been photographed many time and has been a feature in many local newspapers.

 I saw this farm from the road - took the exit and stopped to take the picture.  It is actually pretty unfortunate how many farms are dwindling from the Dairy State.  Considering I grew up on this land in the Midwest and I was very involved on my Dad's dairy farm, it is heartbreaking to me to see no cows in the pastures anymore.
 I'm pretty sure this is Hwy 53, which takes you into Rice Lake (and beyond).  I love the hills, the grass, the wonderful tree's and the blue, blue sky.  A sky that goes on forever as it reaches beyond the hillsides.

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