Monday, August 29, 2011


I have been working on an ad for Nashville Violins.  This is for a more creative piece, which has allowed me to step away from the traditional and classic requirement for violin photography.  I love their Xpressions line of violins, they are beautiful, I love how they sound, and they offer a challenge with their stained finish.
I took the challenge and did what I could to get ALL of their instruments in one photo in my tiny photo studio space.  The area I use for their commercial photography is quite tight, which offers a challenge on many levels.  However, I have been quite pleased with the results in this image.  I hope you enjoy it also.

 I am also excited to announce I have been playing the ukulele and the violin.  I finally got back into the swing of things with my violin lessons, and I have a goal with both instruments.  It is fun to be able to be playing music again.  I never thought I would ever play a string instrument and now I am playing too.  Hopefully if I can get things organized well enough, I would like to go back to playing the piano as well.
Love having art in my life!!!

1 comment:

Pam Beers. said...

Art is a precursor to writing. Keep writing and blogging. You have some great energy.