Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Since January????

Has it really been that long...I guess I shouldn't be surprised, this year has been busy.

Onward the year continues to go! Now with a new goal in the works, to be set for one year. A project which has been active with fellow club members in the Nashville Photo club.
A picture a day project, aka, PAD. Oy! Maybe this is what I need to get back on track? My goals for this year have been dragging on...getting put off...and far from any level of accomplishment.
I have tried to do a PAD...it is harder than it seems. Oh-and my 6:15 to 8:15 project, its DOA. It is a long story...basically...I began to see all I ever did during that time frame was work on pictures or work on Holt's project. It was too depressing, so I dropped the project. I forget about it until I come across an image from that series from time to time. Maybe another year that will be something more interesting and productive.
The Nashville Photo club has been booming with activity, and I am starting to wear out from it. But, the members seem to enjoy it, and the club is growing and expanding. I like to be able to think since we are growing as a club, activities need to continue to be offered to the members for their enjoyment. As well as to offer opportunities to go shooting together, that is why, afterall, we belong to a photo club.
New pictures will be coming-especially with the new project I need to be starting....technically it should have started yesterday, but I was having difficulties finding my blog. That isn't a good sign, ha, ha, ha! Alas, I have found it! I also have a wonderful, wonderful NEW back up system, so I no longer have to lay awake in fear that I am going to lose my images!!!!! Do you have any idea how incredible that feels???????
SO, as soon as I am able to get an image posted on this site, the one year project shall begin. I shall also go into detail in regards of what all will be included in this one year endeavor, it will be more than just a photo kids...

1 comment:

LaCresha Kolba said...

I don't want to give them impression that Holt's project is depressing me. I just found myself doing nothing but the same thing every night, after night, after night...sitting in front of a computer. After a long duration of this...well...something had to change. I love Holt's project and I hope to find SOME way to add to his success!!!
GO Vanishing America!