Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Glance Into My Photo World

What do I do on the weekends?  Most of the time I take groups of people from the Nashville Photography Club out on outings.  I am the "leader" of the Adventure and Hiking Group.  I scout each outing before I organize it.  What that means, is on weekends I am not with the groups of people, I am out looking and finding something of interest to offer to the club members. 

 This also means I get to go out and meet some really amazing people.  Below is a picture which I had taken when I got to meet the President of the Chattanooga Photography Club, Milt.  I was also able, along with the other club members who rode down with me, got to meet George Lepp.



  The club members usually get a pretty good idea of what they will see or experience when I take them.  I try to publicize the outings in a manner of what to expect visually; but also the type of terrain they will encounter.  That doesn't stop some from going off on their own when they are drawn to a subject of interest.  Which is great to me, especially when I turn around and see someone set up taking pictures in weeds, or pompas grass like above.



What is the most fun is when it is the end of the outing and I am surrounded by smiles.  There have been times when some people have not gotten the greatest pictures; but had a chance to get out and enjoy something new.  Or what is even better, make a new friend.  Not all of my outings will leave you exhausted and dirty like in the photo above, but as you can see...he's smiling; and that is what I hope for a good time by all.

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