Saturday, November 14, 2009

Relaxing Day in Feb of 08

While on the subject of snow....  We got a little snow Feb of 08 shortly after I came back from Jamaica.  I went out exploring to enjoy it and photograph it.  In this area snow does not last long and by 10 am it was basically gone.  All which remained were a few patches here and there which were biding their time until they too would melt.  I headed out to a nature area here called Radnor Lake.  I came across this little snow family; I thought it consisted of a husband, wife and I think the little blob on the right is the family dog.  I couldn't help but think these little snowmen were cute and by the hand of some creator who couldn't find enough snow to make a life size.  I like how they appreciated their little "family" enough for them to be placed where they could view the lake.

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