Saturday, November 14, 2009

Woken By A Start

I was hoping to sleep in until at least 8 this morning.  Apparently that was not meant to be as I was woken with a start with a vehicle's alarm system going off in the drive-way.  Now that I have a decent vehicle (and safe) which has an alarm system, I flew out of bed to see who might be messing with my truck. It wasn't my vehicle, it was the vehicle next door and who knows what was going on, I couldn't tell through the window.  I crawled back in thinking do I get up, or do sleep for another hour.  My roommate must have a really annoying alarm as everything else I can hear through the wall, his alarm was going off.  I gave up the fight and headed out to Panera Bread where I am meeting the Christmas Party Planning Committee for the Nashville Photography Club.
I have so much to catch up on so I decided to get here early before the meeting to get images e-mailed off for one of the slideshow's.  Update my photo blog, and hopefully I will have the time to update the club's website.

I am feeling like snow, it is November and it is suppose to be 70 degree's here.  That is ridiculous to me.  I miss home, and as the days pass work continues to remain silent about the extra days I have asked off so I may go home.  The amount of time they gave me would give me a whole four hours before I would have to turn around and come back for work.  I like having the ability to receive a paycheck, I work for a pretty decent company; but it is corporate.  With corporate, it is what it is.  Daily I am reminded how I am wasting away behind a desk and it makes me want to really find that outlet to explore; that marketing idea to utilize so I may have this business where I need it to be.  Where I can bust my butt for months to be able to have the freedom to go home without the daunting pressure to return to an environment which unfortunately is stagnant.

With that in mind, I have posted an image I took back home on my Dad's farm in Wisconsin.  I am homesick. While watching a movie last night which the main character and setting was in Wisconsin.  Seeing and hearing references to Wisconsin, made how much I miss home, come to the surface. 

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