Friday, October 16, 2009

How do they...

I was listening to npr this evening on my way to run an errand and to find the net.  They were interviewing Jason Segel who wrote and acted in Forgetting Sarah Marshal, who spoke of how he gets why he can't keep a girlfriend.  He finds himself staying up late at night working on ridiculous plays which have vampires as characters.  He also commented on how he was unemployed, and working away on his project. 
This takes me to the guy who brewed Sam Adams beer.  In his commercials he speaks how he was unemployed, and went door to door, selling one beer at a time, trying to make something of his passion. 
I can't help but think...didn't these people have rent to pay?  Didn't they need to pay their bills?  Did they live in debt, and didn't that stress them out?  How were they ok with that lack of employment, the piling debt in their life?  How did they make it work for them until they were able to get that break through?

I sit at work, and I do enjoy my job.  At times it can feel fulfilling, but the reality is, I sit at a desk, and I answer a phone all day.  In one month I take over 1,000 calls.  Not 1,001; but well over 1,000 calls.  There are times that I hear that phone and I cringe.  Yet, the job pays the bills, so the bills are paid and I can pursue what I want to
So I continue to do they do it, how do those who are living their passion, their dream, handle that lack of time to pursue what they want, or lack of finance until their career fills the requirements of both?

The equine, I love equine photography, the horse is so majestic.  I have been trying to find the time to seek out stables to advertise and market my photography for their horse shows and other portrait needs.  It seems my lingering pile of "to-do's" is stacked quite high on my plate.  Pursuing a path in equine photography is not at the top of the list unfortunately, so for right now, it waits.

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