Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Farmer's Market

I have a love for Farmer's Markets.  Ever since I was in Oregon I began to gain appreciation for them.  Now they are something which I long to go to and take in the wonderful items which have been carefully prepared, but often find myself forgetting about them.  Not this past weekend!  I made myself stop - and I even picked up a little snack while I was there.  It feels good to support local farmers.

I love the beautiful colors you will find at a Farmer's Market.  The vegetables, fruits, jams, cheeses, and crafts which lie about on tables and under tents.  Even on a fairly partly cloudly day, you find the bright colors emerging from their boxes.  I just want to pick up one of each and take it with me.  I find photographing Farmer's Markets to be fun, due to the colors and interesting items you can find.

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