Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Trails I Travel

The Trails I Travel is a "new" series which I decided upon today.  I often take pictures of the trail I am hiking, and sometimes driving.  It is a record of where I've been, and maybe an indication of where I am going.  But, that is a bit too philosophical for me and for this project.

This is a path I walked on, it runs alongside the Harpeth River, which is west of Nashville, TN.  I like the curve in the road, it dissapears in the trees, and maybe makes you wonder...."where does it go".  Or possibly intrigue you enough to go find out for yourself.

Since I have several images throughout my time taking pictures of the trail I walk upon, I want to create a series.  Who know what may or may not come of the "series" but regardless, I hope to share them from time to time on my little blog.

Ahhh...I'm all caught up, on to the next.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i miss you la. i hope you are well. i read there is a lot of flooding in your area and hope you are safe. love you loads. t